The picture featured on the left, is a concept ship model I did for the Battlestar Galactica: Fleet Commander mod team. This ship was only breifly seen in the pilot episode in the sky window at the doctors office. I took what general shape I could make out of those few seconds of footage and started work on a concept 3D mesh. Since at best glance it was more of a current ship design I had to take features of both the battlestar Galactica and the Pegasus to show a design concept post 1st Cyclon. Her primary design function is fleet defense with an array of flak batteries running along the sides of the both outter pylons and some missile tubes in the nose for an added offensive punch. BSG: Fleet Commander's version has a main gun on the upper hull for some added fire power in-game.
Please check out the mod, I have a link posted in my past projects section. The mod team has been doing an out standing job and the web site has more than enough eye candy to keep you busy for awhile.
Thanks for stopping in
As you will notice most of what I am going to be posting. Will have to deal with the Robotech MMO & related materials. Every now and then I will take a small break from the project and work on some other things and or game mods to keep things fresh.